
  • Launch of Hastings Refill

    Launch of Hastings Refill

    Project aims to save people money and reduce plastic pollution

    Saturday 22 September, 10am – 4pm, St Mary in the Castle, Hastings: Hastings Green Party and Transition Town Hastings [2] will be launching a new water bottle refill scheme for Hasting next Saturday (22 September) at the Ocean Symposium [3] at St Mary in the Castle.

    Over fifty local businesses in Hastings have already signed up to the scheme.

    Julia Hilton of Hastings Green party said: ‘The Hastings Refill scheme [4] is part of a nationwide initiative to reduce plastic pollution and save people money by encouraging them to carry and refill a water bottle rather than constantly buying plastic water bottles [5]. Wherever you see one of the blue ‘Free Tap Water Available Here’ stickers on display, you’ll know you’re welcome to ask for a free refill. Or you can download the app from, which makes it quick, easy and free to find out where to refill on the go.’

    Sarah Macbeth of Transition Town Hastings added: ‘We’ve all heard of the phrase; reduce, reuse, recycle. Often recycle is where the focus lies. But with this scheme, we’re going straight to the heart of the matter: reduce! According to recent research British households are failing to recycle as many as 16m plastic bottles every day – nearly half the total used [6]. By refilling bottles we can help reduce this waste while also taking away the need for recycling, itself a complicated process when it comes to plastics.’

    Any café, restaurant or business with easy access to water can sign up to be part of the scheme, either using the online app at or by emailing


    [3] The Ocean Symposium will run from 10am – 4.00 pm at St Mary’s in the Castle on Saturday 22 September.

    [6] ‘British households fail to recycle a ‘staggering’ 16m plastic bottles a day’, Guardian, 15 October 2016,

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  • Sustainability on Sea festival this September!

    Sustainability on Sea festival this September!

    Transition Town Hastings and Energise Sussex Coast are jointly coordinating a new festival all about sustainable practices in the local area.

    Join us on Sept 21-30 for some inspiring events including nature walks, talks, demos, debates and tips on reducing plastic, a DIY solar workshop and more. We are also proud to promote events by local groups such as Sussex Wildlife Trust, Surfers Against Sewage, OVESCO, Hastings Furniture Service and Pier to Eternity.

    The aim is to promote a sustainable future encouraging positive behaviour change and supporting and promoting those who are playing their role towards this goal.

    The festival finale event is a Big Green Fair on the Stade Open Space, Stade hall and Classroom on the Coast. The day will include talks, demos, art workshops, food workshops, bike checks, music, local information stalls and eco products for sale. Not to be missed!

    See for more details.

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  • Refill scheme in Hastings

    Refill scheme in Hastings

    Along with Surfs Against Sewage we’re establishing a Refill scheme in the Hastings area. We’re asking venues, cafes, bars, restaurants etc if they will agree to refill water bottles for free in an aim to reduce the amount of single use plastic being used.

    The Refill Scheme is taking the country by storm! Refill recently won Gold at the Global Good Awards for ‘Best Environmental Behaviour Change’. There are now over 1600 Refill stations across the country and that number is set to rise steeply as London joins the movement with the support of Thames Water and London Mayor Sadiq Khan. Refill now have a new promotional video which had 150,000 views on Facebook in its first few days.

    Refill Hastings now has 23 stations signed up and we will continue to sign up more. We are now receiving support from a newly appointed regional coordinator who is helping us with the formalities and a promotional plan.

    We’ve just set up a Refill Hastings Facebook Page  so do give us a like!
    Don’t forget to download the Refill App to find all refill stations or to add one yourself! If you want to sign a venue up to the scheme do let us know and we’ll give you a sticker for the window and the necessary info.

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  • Cohousing Talk presentation

    Cohousing Talk presentation

    On May 11th Julian Howell gave a short talk about cohousing projects and a very clear ‘how to’ to help groups to get started. Julian Howell is a founder member of Sussex Cohousing a Brighton-based community in the making.

    After the talk there was a lively discussion about what people were interested in doing locally.  There was an interest in finding ways to live together in a supportive and collaborative way or living with a deeper connection to nature by sharing land. We hope the conversation continues and cohousing projects or land sharing projects can be realised in and around Hastings, a town where good quality affordable housing is hard to find.

    Download Julian’s talk here:

    About cohousing 2018 – Julian Howell

    Sign up to the Hastings Cohousing discussion if you are interested in joining a conversation about cohousing in the Hastings area  – a closed group on

    New Economics Foundation have recently published this guide to help groups looking to build community-led, affordable housing development in their area overcome one of their greatest obstacles: acquiring land.


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  • Help keep Hastings Pier in community ownership

    Help keep Hastings Pier in community ownership

    Friends of Hastings Pier have been pushed into a corner by an Administration process that is unsuitable for a community-owned asset. They have put forward alternative plans which are exciting and realistic but been told that they won’t take the bid seriously unless we have £1M available. That’s why they’re pushing this crowdfunder. Raising half a million pounds now from individuals and organisations will keep us ‘in the game’ and encourage other funders to invest alongside you to make our Pier a success.

    Hastings Pier has been a beacon of community-led regeneration, a pioneer in the world of community shares, and an inspiration to community groups across the country. The hazard faced is not just for Hastings; if the People’s Pier fails perceptions of community ownership will be badly damaged, even though community ownership was never the problem and is definitely part of the solution.

    Please help in any way you can – most obviously and most immediately by clicking the link and then spreading the word.

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  • Core group meeting minutes – March 20th 2018

    Matters Arising:

    Food Waste


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  • Transition Town Hastings meeting 19/2/18

    Matters arising-
    Water butt money from Quakers is in! Action-Chris to thank.
    Constitution, membership & data protection- Action- Sarah & Alison to sort meeting date
    Andrea/Alison to look into risk assessment & Induction- Action- meeting Sunday 25th at 6pm to continue? (more…)

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  • Energy group minutes – February 2018

    Energy group meeting ~ 8th February 2018

    Building stronger communities
    Sarah talked about Sustainability week initially being a smaller weekend event – a Saturday or Open house activities and a Sunday on the Stade Open Space – dates to be confirmed.
    Building Stronger Communities is encouraging applications in Hastings for £1,500 fund for orgs with income below £50,000. Last meeting the group come up with ideas. Deadline is early March. (more…)

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  • Helps us win Tesco’s #BagsofHelp fund

    Helps us win Tesco’s #BagsofHelp fund

    Our new project Meet you by the Mosaic has been shortlisted for a public vote in Tesco’s #BagsofHelp initiative!

    We want to work with the local community and a local artist to develop a mosaic near the front of St Leonards Warrior Square station.

    Please vote for Meet you by the Mosaic in stores during the months of March/April to help us secure a grant of up to £2,000.

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  • TTH CORE GROUP MEETING – 17 Jan 2018


    Constitution – to be reviewed and signed off
    • ACTION for Sarah & Alison – review status of group & constitution working

    Membership – to be discussed in a separate meeting (more…)

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A one stop online space to join conversations, learn more about our meetings and projects.