Category: Minutes

  • AGM 2018 minutes

    TTH AGM – Sunday 25 November 2018
    White Rock Hotel
    Attended: approx. 30 people, including Core Team

    Andrea welcomes everyone and explains the structure of organization
    Also talks about Healthy Cultures event that he and Sarah attended.

    Community Garden
    Alison and Chris talk about the garden including events held there and in Warrior Sq (Big Lunch)
    Chris explains water problem and funding received from Quakers for water butts

    Refill Scheme
    Karen presented Refill, within the context of increasing use of SUP plastic bottles, many not being recycled. Refill continues growing in Hastings, with more stations being added all the time

    Energy Group – ESC
    Richard and Kate updated on recent activities:
    meeting in Essen, Germany of community groups from across Europe, shows there is great potential
    1066 Local Energy Campaign: old campus of East Sussex College is now a project in which everyone can invest, to install 1066 solar panels. Run by Brighton Energy Coop. Potential for ESC to take back the project if enough local shareholders
    Model eco-home
    Pier project stalled given the change in ownership
    ‘Dog poo’ lamp
    Opportunity for new volunteers joining
    bring new ideas for new projects
    FIT ending in April 2019, so still opportunity to install panels on private roofs, or churches, mosques …

    Update from Sarah. Inspired by Sustainable St Albans
    Micro-festival, culminated in day-event at the Stade
    Outlook is to repeat the festival and make it a regular event, with increased involvement of school and other community organisations

    Alison asked about Germany
    Richard: people invest and don’t ask for a return. People in social housing get no benefit from solar roofs . This is about to change with new legislation – we need to lobby to make sure?
    Give and take boxes in Essen, Berlin and Amsterdam
    Swap shop aimed at refugees, wanting to find a use for the space to make it financially sustainable

    Sherry thanks core group for all their hard work
    Sarah thanks all the other volunteers who have been a great help

    Q: if one was inspired to become more involved how would we do so, what would we come along to?
    Alison: explains our meetings are now private but perhaps we should hold some public ones again
    Chris: More film and talk nights, also looking for people who are up for offering time and effort
    Karen: Green Drinks is a social event to come along to and introduce yourself and offer help

    Andrea explains voting


    Andrea announces the re-standing of Sarah as Co Chair, Alison and Andrea as Co Secretarys and Chris as Treasurer.
    Sarah nominated Sherry Clarke as Co Chair, firsted by Sarah and Seconded by Julia


    Julia Hilton
    Julia talks about her Climate Emergency letter which she has drafted representing Hastings Green Party and the people of Hastings to address the threat posed by the recent IPCC report. Julia reads the letter out
    Julia asks if anyone knows of
    At council meetings any member of the public can ask a question and Julia is encouraging people to email questions.
    Encouraging a town wide movement to step up and tackle this issue locally

    Sheila – Bee Keepers Association
    Explains how people can learn how to keep bees and to get in touch
    People can help in other ways if they don’t want to keep bees, planting stuff in your garden to help bees pollinate , and food
    Number of websites that have info on which plants to have in your garden
    Weve got about 150 members and always welcoming more
    Bees for development – help bee keepers in developing country in good practice at keeping bees abd help woth marketing to make it financially viable anf help the environment
    Bees get a lot from trees as well as flowers
    Q: do you do workshops?
    S: Not really but we do courses. Few of us, all volunteers. Training courses every spring. Mantell Farm in Catsfield do course on all sorts
    A tray of water with pebbles in (so they don’t drown) will help bees immensely when they’re pollinating
    If you let your Ivy flower you’ll have bees all over it
    Try and extend your flowering period
    Honey bees are the only bees that ‘cluster’ rather than hibernate as a colony
    The queens hibernate and some solitary bees
    I’ve got leaflets if anyone wants to join

    Colin Darbyshire – Surfers Against Sewage
    Beach clean representative and
    Joined SAS in 2014 because I use the water a lot as a Kite Surfer. Always picking stuff up
    My daughter picked up a syringe and put it in her mouth when she was small – made me think about what I could do
    Beach cleans regular feature in spring and autmn
    93 people at the last one
    Community leader since feb – talking with local businesses
    9 businesses signed up to get on the road to being Plastic Free
    working with community groups including Flag
    also with the council and Forshore Trust
    Working woth Fishermam now – a lot of rubbish there in old nets etc
    Small supervised group doing fishing beach clean
    Worked on a small area no bigger than this room and picked up a large mount of rubbish – fly tipping
    Plastic Free Schools – phasing out SUPS and educating the next generation on cleaning up our mess
    Working with clean up groups in country parks
    Looking at acquiring funds from Head Office and FLAG for some signs along seafront
    Plastic Free Schools:
    Join the Resistance
    On the Ground Action
    Challenge the Government
    Challenging Industry
    You are the Resistance
    Businesses awarded with recognition for phasing out SUPS with an award and sticker
    Hoping to use old fishing nets for projcts by engaging with companies/orgs that make surf/skateboards out of old plastic
    Visit Plastic Free Hastings on FB or email me at HYPERLINK “”
    Q: what about safety of food – platic packaging is protecting food
    This is a challenge but it would be about working with businesses to try and source more sustainable packaging
    There are problems with that too – many plant-based packaging for example is only biodegradeable in an industrial composter

    Sassie Yasamee – Eve Apple Press
    Use excess apples to make apple juice so if anyone knows of any apples

    Rachel Holtom
    We want to roll out community lunches in the daytime – last week was a success. Every 3 months. Share food and share ideas

    Doing a PhD in Energy Justice
    Sharing Energy
    Looking at how to help the energy transition
    Want to move the question of energy generation from a concept to a practical step

    Daphne Lambert of Green Dining coming in Feb – 30 places at £12.50pp
    She knows a great deal about the benefit of a food item on the body but also where it comes from and how exploitative

    Chris – Finance
    Our account fluctuates from between £1-2K
    £1200 funding we received from Tesco’s Bags of Help is set aside for the community Mosaic at the station

  • Transition Town Hastings meeting 19/2/18

    Matters arising-
    Water butt money from Quakers is in! Action-Chris to thank.
    Constitution, membership & data protection- Action- Sarah & Alison to sort meeting date
    Andrea/Alison to look into risk assessment & Induction- Action- meeting Sunday 25th at 6pm to continue? (more…)

  • Energy group minutes – February 2018

    Energy group meeting ~ 8th February 2018

    Building stronger communities
    Sarah talked about Sustainability week initially being a smaller weekend event – a Saturday or Open house activities and a Sunday on the Stade Open Space – dates to be confirmed.
    Building Stronger Communities is encouraging applications in Hastings for £1,500 fund for orgs with income below £50,000. Last meeting the group come up with ideas. Deadline is early March. (more…)

  • TTH CORE GROUP MEETING – 17 Jan 2018


    Constitution – to be reviewed and signed off
    • ACTION for Sarah & Alison – review status of group & constitution working

    Membership – to be discussed in a separate meeting (more…)