Category: Minutes
Energy group minutes – Jan 2018
Thanks to everyone that came along to the last meeting. It was a very lively and upbeat way to start the year! Please find the minutes of the meeting below as drawings! Thanks to Chris for taking them. -
Core group meeting minutes Dec 17
Transition Town Hastings
Approval of last minutes/Matters arising.
Old bathing pool- ken?
Cycling route- Laurie?
West Street Celebrations- TTH Swap shop made- £51.60
Complete signed Constitution- Action-Is there anything to do on this?
Membership – Sarah trialing an option on ESC website
Garden– New bench, Waiting to see about 2nd water butt- don’t know until end of next week- Action Chris to find out.
Plan separate meeting for gardeners to look at buying tools and what to plant in future. Action- Alison to ask for dates/doodle poll in Jan & set up quarterly garden meet at end of a session?
Action- Alison contact Natalie again
Karen can’t lead on garden on 9th Dec- Action- Chris volunteered to do. Thank you Chris!
Energy– free workshops- Scrappy Dog Draught Excluder, Making your own solar panel & Charger- Ore Community Centre & Broomgrove Community Centre. Running training modules look on Energise Sussex Website.
Action- Karen to promote them all more.
Sarah said if there are ideas for other workshops- let ESC know.
Energy clinic in Ore -Sat 9th Dec- Action- Karen is working there
Green Party Food Waste- see leaflet- Action- Chris to send us Peter Chowney’s correspondence.
Grow wild- sarah’s email?
Action- Sherry, Mischa, Richard etc to meet re creating a Wellbeing Hub at Silchester Rd. Funding from Mind?
Facebook updates
Newsletter – someone to take over January newsletter while Karen away? Action- Sarah and/or Chris to do
Thought café, Nov 24th, The Beacon- update/next one?
Mischa- Film nights, Pot Luck, Talks, food workshop around Mischa’s Table by Daphne Lambert (Green Cuisine Trust).
Mischa- ‘We the Uncivilised’ & A wind farm on boat film to look into?
Next -Christmas Green Drinks- 21st Dec- at Beacon- Action- Karen to promote? Get poster design from Scott G?
Swap Shop- next one?
Pot-luck in New year- Action- Alison to check with st Johns Feb 2nd?
Healthy Culture Workshops
Community spaces- Mischa enquired?
Central Hall (Blind Centre)
Salvation Army
Christ church
Action- Chris to ask re Concordia Hall prices
Mosaic- anyone want to do another funding app- Andrea?
Student Volunteering (Sussex Coast College)- filling roles, publicity etc. Students due to do placements next year March, April & June but will need Employer’s Liability, risk assessments, policies, inductions etc- to e want this level of responsibility and complication? We all agreed- no!
Podcasts – can anyone send relevant ones to Karen to use in newsletter etc
Next meeting-
When- Weds 17th Jan
Who is chairing?
Who is taking minutes?
Action- Sarah to book please.
Core group meeting minutes Nov 17
– New suggestions (from Linda):
- Chasing Coral, freely accessible on the net (and Netflix)
- Chasing Ice (but costly to screen)
- Modified (non GMO labelling in US and CA)
- Just Eat It (food waste in US and CA)
- Greenpeace Film Festival
We the Uncivilised (suggested by Karen) – showing in Lewes at “The Depot” on Wed 29th Nov at 20h – could somebody go and check whether it is worth bringing to Hastings
Issue of cost of movie rental, but this could be covered by donations or a small ticket (e.g. £3 per person)
As a side suggestion – Karen suggests sending a podcast with each newsletter, invited everyone to send through interesting podcasts
- The Palace – available for free
- Electric Palace – charge
ACTION: Linda to follow up and check cost of screening for her suggested titles
- Great wealth of experience in community work
- Interest in partnering up with TTH
- Training in New Economics (3-year project)
- Keen on sharing this through open reading / training groups
- Issue is still outstanding and a decision should be taken by Xmas
- Site in question still needs work done on it before the Council could sell it
- Some asbestos contamination
- Brief from Council is to have lots of affordable housing + a leisure element
FOOD WASTE CAMPAIGN (Update from Chris)
- Discussion stuck – Peter Chowney not showing clarity about issues at stake
- Lots of outstanding issues in the email track that need addressing – of which food waste is a small issues compared to the entire procurement process
- Further updates to come
Complete signed constitution
- Some items still need to be added by Chris before final version can be circulated
ACTION: Sarah and Chris to finalise
Clarification of roles –Co-Chairs, Co Secretaries to meet separately to clarify division of roles
Monthly meetings: first Monday of the month, postponed by a week if it falls on a Bank Holiday. Next meeting on Monday 4th December
ACTION: Sarah to book meeting room for next meeting
- Small water tank already bought
- Aim to install a second tank in parallel
- Quaker fund to possibly contribute £400
- SouthEastern also suggested they might contribute but unwilling to commit a clear budget
“DONATION PILE” at the garden (suggestion by Linda)
- Should we have an area where any excess produce by any individual can be brought and offered to the community
- Objection is that it takes time and effort to build a dedicated structure
SIGN-UP SHEET for “Leaders” at the garden sessions
ACTION: Sarah to review dates for fortnightly sessions and update sign-up sheet
- Kate to report at next Core Group
- Looking at establishing a project at the Pier to generate energy through kinetic action of waves on a platform
- If the council is not willing to do this, should community initiatives be started instead ?
- Chris to look around the country at community recycling initiatives
- Lidia suggests to contact allotment associations and check if they could collect household food waste
- Friday 24th at the Beacon, 18.00-22.00. Talk on “Climate Change, The Anthropocene, & Language – Nicholas Royle & Alex Lockwood In Conversation”.
ACTION: Green Drinks: Karen to arrange with Scott and Anna (possibly again in Ore?)
ACTION: Karen to put together next issue of newsletter
- Bags of Help (Tesco) to subsidise a mosaic from a local artist outside SLQ station – still waiting to hear from them (£2.000 for winner, £1.000 for runners-up)
- Trinity Wholefoods offering £500 – to apply for funding for new tools
- Could somebody check with B&Q and other DIY / garden centres for possible contributions
- A volunteer was found to cut out a “COMMUNITY GARDEN” sign in individual letters to go on the railings
- HVA contributed more detail to the updated constitution
- Discussion:
- Should we have a database of “members” including areas of interest / skills to coordinate action groups
- Sarah mentioned the intention to publish a directory of groups and companies doing community work in specific areas to coordinate efforts
- We could be suggesting monthly contributions (Standing Orders) form members
ACTION Update from Laurie to be put on the agenda for next month
- £518 total balance between bank and cash
- TRIODOS bank account – Chris to look into conditions for TTC to transfer the account over to them (and conditions for a community account)
- Local resident (LC) applying for an Arts Council funding for an event in December
- Possibly in the building of the “Old Italian” restaurant
- Suggesting a Xmas present swapping event – but objection to this is that we should be actually fundraising for cash rather than swaps.
- HULL (CITY OF CULTURE) is using lights to make tower blocks more attractive – could be applied to Pier – mentioned by Sherry
- Local resident (PO) (illumination schemes internationally) would like to establish a “trade show” for renewable projects on the Pier – mentioned by Sarah
- SPICES – COMMUNITY CURRENCY – mentioned by Sherry
- Recycling earns you time credits to incentivise positive behaviour
- Time credits can also be exchanged at partnering organisations (eg college training, “paintball events”…)
- Suggestion to start a time-bank in Hastings ?
Transition Town Hastings ~ Meeting Minutes 20/09/17
- explanation of garden project – where we are at
- Open Day 22nd Oct 12-3pm
- Alex explained that Quakers do small grants (£400) we could use towards a water butt – we would have to raise another 400 as the cost is 800.
Energy Group:
- Ken reported 3 ideas being explored
- Hastings Pier – to make it an electric generator/ renewably run
- twinning with German town Schwerte
- Wasn’t sure ? But maybe Anthony’s idea of mapping all the solar power in the town and connecting it?
Chris connected with someone from Wave Energy – talked about wave machine on pier.
Possibility of a feasibility study for a scheme across Brighton, Eastbourne and Hastings. Approx cost of study is £10,000. Chris going to look into it more – connect with Richard and ESC! Think Chris will be attending the next Energy group meeting.
ACTION: Karen – add Chris to mailing list (DONE)
Karen explained the project we had in mind, starting with survey to assess the current situation with local food takeaway businesses
Possibility of affinity scheme to get a discount from eco packing companies with a mass order
Problems we came across were needing more people and support but also, what would happen to the packaging when disposed of? Compostable materials cannot go in landfill waste or recycling.
This lead to a discussion about food waste collection in Hastings and the petition to ESCC by the Green Party.
Should TTH partner with GP to help push this forward before pursuing the packaging project?
ACTION: Chris to send Karen info from Judy Scott (GP Secretary) about food waste petition and Karen to mail out to members
Ken mentioned the new sports complex proposed for Filsham Valley area – could this be a good place for an anaerobic digester?
ESCC contract with Kier has come to an end – good opportunity to push for alternative waste disposal?
Janice: unsure about what should happen to all the recycling – not always clear. Info from Veolia trip would be useful – FORGOT TO MENTION THERE IS SOME INFO ON THE TTH WEBSITE!
- 21st Oct 10-12 @ White Rock Hotel
- speakers: Gabriel Carlyle from Fossil Free Hastings/Divest East Sussex
- possibly TT Deal
- Sherry; are we sending out official invites to HBC and local councillors/stakeholders?
Energy Day:
- 1066 energy campaign day on the Stade 10th Sept
- not much said on this but some attendees were there – said it was good, collected some signatures for FFH
Film Nights:
- after AGM now – hoping to get someone to volunteer to organise
- Felicity and Richard suggested showing new Al Gore film – maybe first and second
- Sassie suggested ‘We the Uncivilised’ – really good but makers want £100 to show film and give a talk Q&A. We could take donations/small charge on the door again?
- Felicity – Hastings Supports Refugees event organised for 27th Sept ‘Hastings Debates’ hoping to be a regular event. Would help the interconnection of groups in Hastings. TTH to promote. ACTION – Felicity to send digital copy of poster to Karen who will share with mailing list
- Alex; Quakers event at Friends Meeting House Sat 7th Oct (evening), ‘preparing people for the next economic collapse’
- plenary session and Q&A inviting 4 groups to speak including TTH
- focus on resilience
ACTION: Sherry to send info to core group
Ken – Ore CLT & Heart of Hastings CLT, Old Power Station Site in Ore Valley. Bill Dunster (eco housing guy) involved
Feasibility study to connect greenway from hastings station to Ore Valley (is this correct I can’t read Chris’ writing!?)
Old bathing pool site (west St Leonards) up for sale – perfect for a CLT – do we know anyone in that area? Encourage community in that area to set up a CLT. HBC have £200,000 sitting in the bank to be spent on CLT’s – already given money to HoH CLT and Ore CLT
ACTION: Karen speak to Mat and Tom and contact HBC to ask for an info pack on the site and send to Ken.
Discussion about Eco Pods for the homeless. Empty properties in Hastings
Sherry: Well-Being event this weekend. Looking for case studies of people being brought together in a positive way – HSR picnic? Felicity?
Summary of Actions
CHRIS P: send Karen info from Judy Scott about food waste campaign
KAREN: add Chris R to mailing list (done), mail out food waste petition info to members of this meeting & a Mailchimp to gather support, send out Hastings Debates promo to mailing list, speak to Mat & Tom about bathing pool site and contact HBC to request info pack
FELICITY: email Hastings Debates poster to Karen
SHERRY: send info about Quakers event to core team
Meeting Adjourned.
Next Meeting tbc.
TTH Minutes for Core meeting July 26th 2017
TTH Meeting July 26th 2017
Transition Community Energy Group Meeting – 6th July 2017 minutes
- Welcome and introductions
- Energy vision for Hastings and St Leonards
Minutes – Core group meeting June 2017
TTH Meeting June 21st 2017
Attendees: Kate Meakin, Chris Petts, Sarah Macbeth
Apologies: Karen, Alison, Laurie -
Minutes Core Group Meeting – May 2017
TTH Meeting 24/05/18
Attending : Alison, Sherry, Sally Reeves, Benjamin, Kate Meakin, Katie, Mick, Rod, Sarah, Karen
Minutes – Core Group Meeting – March 2017
TTH Meeting 22/3/17
Attendees: Sherry Clark, Sarah Macbeth, Ken Kitson, Chris Petts, Rebecca Helbick, Alison Cooper, Sassie Yasamee
Apologies: Roz Cran, Steve Savage, Kathy Bor
Meeting minutes from Jan 25th 2017
TTH Meeting 25/1/17
Matters arising:
Outstanding actions-
• Chris to formulate email & garden map area for all gardeners to read and sign.
• Chris to contact Southeastern direct to ask about the maintenance of buildings.
• Naomi to contact Southern Water re. water butts
• Poster- Chris will do next week
• Catherine Pinhorn to send 20 MPH campaign email.Events
———-Green Drinks
TTH was part of a Green Drinks event on Jan 18th at Bargain Studios, Kings Rd. Still a very popular event. We now need a new venue as Bargain as no longer in 20 King’s Rd. Rock House Basement is a possible venue or the back room at the Palace Pub.
Actions: SM to ask Gareth in rock House about basement, AC to ask Palace Pub. Proposed date: Feb 8th.HVA Sustainable Transport Forum
Actions: Sarah and Chris to attend. All welcome andSite visits
Clayton Farm (Organic) in Mayfield. 4 Open days a year.
Produces organic dairy chees that sells at Borough Market, London.
Action: Alison to research and advise others on open days.Dungeness Power Station
Action: Alison to research
Peacehaven Wastewater Treatment Works
State-of-the-art wastewater treatment works is covered by one of the largest green roofs in Europe.
Action: Tom to research site visit.
Veolia incinerator and recycling sites
Action: Sarah to book first available siteFilm shows
Two films that we are interested in showing. Demain/Tomorrow and Inhabit
Actions: Sassie will ask about screening of Inhabit and talk by filmmaker, Sarah and Sassie to check on distribution costs for Demain. Alison to ask Palace Pub about free screenings.Food and/or Swap shop at Christchurch in Ore
Saturday 18th Feb Richard has use of the church for free (part of a week long event giving energy advice to residents). We could run a junk food café and/or swap shop.
Actions: Sarah, Alison and Sassie to visit swap shop in Rye (sarah to email details) to see how it’s run. Richard to advise of other dates and events where he is giving energy advice (possible event end of Feb). All to follow up with ideas for activities at Christchurch, Ore. Cake making an option to raise funds for TTH.
Note: Churches locally are keen to see community use of their buildings.Projects
————–Community garden
Winter, not much growing, lots of clearing and making compost area.
Actions: Alison to look into scaffolding planks or palettes.
Tom can get palettes and deliver. Alison/Chris to let him know if they are needed.
Alison meeting Natalie on Feb 7th and will hassle for access to room and locked area on far end of platform.
Alison to research slimline water butts, sometimes in Freecycle. Old chemical drums also possible for water storage.Mosaic
Actions: Alison and Tracy (Johnson) to do more door knocking beginning of Feb to get more residents opinions on the mosaic project. All welcome to get involved.Waste/packaging project
Chris and Laurie leading this in Karen’s absence. Currently doing visits to food outlets. Have done half a dozen already. Need more people to get involved in asking outlets questions about their packaging use.This project ties in with the garden and the need for compost/some packaging is biodegradable.. Chris keen to research community composting. Larger scale compost may not be an option at the garden die to flytipping and rats. Need to pressure council on food waste.
Actions: Chris to collate info on packaging and waste options.
Ursula interested. SM to pass on Ursula’s email to Laurie.
Richard to send around questionnaire on food waste as not really any food waste collection in the area. Alison/Sarah to do mailout asking for more help with the survey.Notes:
We need to keep in mind a possible anaerobic digester (produces gas and, therefore, heat) at the hospital to deal with all their food waste.Sassie mentioned Olio an app that helps people share surplus food.
Tom mentioned Rye Biofuels supply biodiesel at Rye Harbour.
[Further info from Tom by email :
There are 4 collectors of used cooking oil operating around Hastings. All of it will get turned into biodiesel somewhere.
Rumsey: (not sure this website works…) He has the old Bedford lorries, he sells it to someone who ships it to the continent
Edible Oil Direct / Rye Biofuels: – collected and turned into biodiesel locally
Olleco: – who collect it and turn it into biodiesel somewhere in the north west
St Mickalos: – I know very little about this company
Olleco do offer food waste collection as well, though I have no idea if they do it around here (they’re a national company).]Litter picking
John Funnel keen to start litter picking sessions around the station garden area. Feb 12th could be a trial event. He will use Streetlife as an engagement tool. Pickers currently in temp station room.
Actions: Alison to hand over key to temp room. Alison/Sarah to add litter picking date to mailing list. John to ask other picking groups for advice and tips on process etc (eg ChristChurch in St Leonards). Sarah to check people will be covered by insurance.AOB
Anna Locke keen to get involved in green directory (also Mark, Scott and Laurie). Also interested in researching info about local organic farms and what organic supplies are available locally. Running growing/permaculture course in spring.
Sassie has been researching local fruit growers/suppliers.
Richard mentioned 1066energy campaign, launching later this year. Aiming to establish 1066 solar roofs in 1066 area.
Enid – proposed National Vegetarian Week in May. Most (except vegans!) happy to go ahead if Enid can lead.
Alison: Gail from Explore the Arch wants to know if TTH would like to be involved in a Jane Eyre production that will happen throughout the town.
Kathy would like TTH to set up a Food Assembly activity. Sarah to organise Green Directory meeting. Sarah to share local food pamphlet produced by last TTH group. Alison to follow up with dates for Jane Eyre event. Sarah to add Anna’s courses to newsletter and website. Sarah to share Transition London and SE event in Feb in London.
Next Core Meeting- Weds 22nd Feb 2017, 7.15pm-Rock House, 49-51 Cambridge Road, TN34 1DT