Core group meeting minutes – March 20th 2018

Matters Arising:

Food Waste

ACTION: Ken to look into cost of a digester, research what Islington Council do about food waste & invite someone from Wakefield place to speak at (a) pot luck?

ACTION: Andrea to research current food waste practices & what Twickenham Council are doing

ACTION: Dorothy Lambert (from TT Lewes) willing to come for a workshop on food energetics and fermenting. Mischa to follow up re dates and cost.

ACTION: Mischa to investigate film on Brighton wind farm and coordinate with Hastings Supports Refugees at Palace?

ACTION: Andrea to email list of films suggested by Linda on 1st Nov

ACTION: Sarah to look into Stade Hall for a swap shop

ACTION: Alison to find out when free GDPR courses are (New Data Protection rules)

Need to create new data protection policy? Andrea?





Trinity offering some free seeds

Garden Planning Session on 8th April ACTION: Karen to email group

ACTION: Chris and Alison to talk about water butt

ACTION: Alison to speak to Chris Dodwell

ACTION: Chris to order second butt




Sustainability week (Sept 22nd approx):

Hastings Pier have expressed interest in doing something following Chris R’s suggestion

Maybe a TTH solar charging workshop? Kate suggested targeted eg. Solar panels for sheds/allotments?


Community Energy Share Offer:

ESC have agreement from Brighton Energy Coop. People can invest now but the building is not yet signed off (TBA)


ACTION: Alex to give Richard contact of Imam in Bexhill Mosque




Nick still had no success in making contact. Karen applied for a regional coordinator role with Refill today and heard back from the programme manager. They have found someone for the role and he will put me in touch with them.

We decided we will still go out next Tuesday regardless of having sorted out the license etc.

ACTION: Karen to add Colin & Ursula to Refill list, and Colin to mailing list and Google Group

Colin told us about a new shop opening in Hastings called Nude Food – refill store YES – watch this space.



John fed back about the success of litter picks . Certain hotspots have been popular, 12 people on a recent one. Support from (Glenn Conway??) Council Officer

Colin offered to lend out his ‘beach clean box’ with gloves and sharps box etc

RAW FIT, local fitness group did a recent fitness session on the beach followed by a beach clean



£50k funding for food waste reduction still open – until May. Potential collaboration with Heart of Hastings in Ore Valley?

ACTION: Sarah to organize brain-storming session/meeting




Pot Luck

Good turn out but needs to be more diverse – plug the Big Lunch



See Mischa actions above


‘Explore the Arch’ – does anyone have time for this?

ACTION: Alison to follow up on a possible collaboration with The Links Project


Landworkers Alliance Training

Karen and Chris attended. Very inspiring and motivational training day to encourage awareness in current agricultural policy and ‘food politics’ and what needs to change. Payments to (big only) landowners has previously come from the EU so policy is set to change. DEFRA have been consulting with LWA and have taken some points on – environmental but are still not proposing a fair system that allows easy ad affordable access for all to good, clean food. DEFRA have released a Command Paper which is open to consultation. LWA are encouraging people to join them as a supporter and comment on the Government’s proposal for Post Brexit Agricultural Policy

ACTION: Karen to write an article for HIP before 10th – In Our Hands is playing at Electric Palace


Street Party – Old Town Week

Lorna Crabbe has funding

Kate suggested collaboration with SHINE project – puppet in carnival parade and puppet making workshop – we wouldn’t have ,much control over it though

ACTION: Sarah arrange meeting with Lorna


Co-Housing Talk

Julian Howell to come and talk about co-housing project in Brighton followed by a workshop

Someone locally gave a talk on co-hosing – possibly an existing group here

ACTION: Sarah to find out from Rue De Pera who it was


Green Drinks

All good – last one at Imperial really busy – even in the snow!

ACTION: ALL – promote GD for next Wed


Big Lunch

3rd June – Start promoting with posters and flyers early – lets make it bigger and better than last year

ACTION: Sarah to add a ‘save the date’ to the website

ACTION: Karen to add to newsletter and FB


Sustainability Week

Chris Richards did a funding app for Building Stronger Communities but missed the deadline. Tanya from HVA said it may be extended due to low applications

Been rewarded a £2000 grant by the Foreshore Trust for an event at The Stade – need a coordinator to organize the event!

ACTION: Ursula to find someone to help her to organize with support from TTH


Kate planning an Eco Homes event. Mix of real and virtual home full and part retro-fitting measures. Need more homes!

ACTION: All – find some homes with even partial energy efficiency measures

Karen – ask Fiona about her friend



Sherry – Well-being Project ‘Scanning our Future’

How we talk about the future, future conversations. Includes Carbon Conversations, Community Conversations, psychological impact of climate change and uncertain futures etc

ACTION: Sherry to keep us updated


Quakers New Economy Event (postponed from 10th March) this Saturday (24th) 2pm.

Peter Bolwell worked very hard on application for Quakers funding and hasn’t been acknowledged!

ACTION: Sarah/Alison to send an official Thank you to him and Alex from the info@ TTH email address


ACTION: Karen to speak to Abby about Carbon Conversations Workshops

ACTION: Alison to find out how Co-Wheels are doing

ACTION: Richard to find out about mindfulness workshop?


Next Meeting:

Wed 18th April 7pm (NOT 7.15!) @ Rock House




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