Energy group meeting ~ 8th February 2018
Building stronger communities
Sarah talked about Sustainability week initially being a smaller weekend event – a Saturday or Open house activities and a Sunday on the Stade Open Space – dates to be confirmed.
Building Stronger Communities is encouraging applications in Hastings for £1,500 fund for orgs with income below £50,000. Last meeting the group come up with ideas. Deadline is early March.
The TTH energy group will make an application directly. Sub meeting (Chris, Anna and anyone else interested) to get together and decide on the best idea and put an application forward.
ACTION: Meet next Thursday (15th Feb) at 3pm at the White Rock Hotel.
Dog poo lamp
Gerry introduced the Transition Malvern Hills working example, repurposing dog poo to create energy using a biodigester. The device has cardboard and paper bags to scoop up the dog poo and place it in the digester. The technology is called Biogastronomy. Richard knows someone that can bring down an working example to Hastings.
ACTIONS: Gerry to contact the guy in Malvern Hills to get more information. Richard or Kate to mention it to Chantal Lass (HBC).
Ask Scott if he would do a cartoon for the HIP supplement on the dog poo lamp?
German twinning
Kate emailed Kai in Essen to arrange a visit.
ACTION: Richard is going to Liege in March and can raise it there with EU partners.
1066 Campaign
ESC is working with Brighton Energy Coop to set up a Share offer which will launch in March to promote local renewable energy to potential investors. ESC are looking at sites including Sussex Coast College (Ore Valley site) which has a big sub station nearby, the college are excited to move this forward and link it with classroom activities. St Leonards Academy are enthusiastic and with a cheaper scaffolding option the project is financially viable. Does anyone have good contacts for other sites? eg. Jempsons in Rye, former Mushroom factory near Rye. A larger scale solar project could share it’s generation with the local community (Energy Local).
Christchurch in Ore is doing a public consultation (Feb 24th) to explore their options for a new church hall and use of renewables. They are keen to make use of green technologies. The Big Lottery are interested in this project.
Richard mentioned the Rural Communities Fund that gives £20,000 for feasibility for at scale renewable schemes in rural communities – eg solar or heat networks in a village hall and church.
Pier project. Anna looked into how much energy can you generate from a bike. One bike powers a mobile phone.
Richard discussed the recent shareholders meeting to discuss the future of Hastings Pier. Dominic commented on how renewable options should have been considered at the outset.
Patrick Holden CBE, a farmer and CEO of the Soil Association to come and give a talk at the beginning of June as part of the sustainable dinners evenings. He set up the Sustainable Food Trust. He believes that animal farming is a natural part of the food system. Who could talk with him? Perhaps Abby Nicol talking about her food network or Sassie talking about apples.
Gerry showed a film about the Whirlpool power generator.
HIP supplement
Richard introduced the Hastings Independent Press energy supplement that is planned for the end of March. It will contain articles from leading academics with a focus on the future of energy. There will be advertising opportunities and sponsorship for local businesses. We could have a small ad for this group to get more members.
ACTION: Kate to share with the group info on the advertising and sponsorship opportunities.
Carbon calculator
Richard wants to try and map a neighbourhood and monitor their carbon footprint using a carbon calculator (using their primary energy use). Can just guilt trip people.
ACTION: ESC can share the calculator and we can discuss at our next meeting.
Next meeting, March 8th, 7:30-9pm.
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