With energy advice cafe, Make Food community chef
and entertainment by Hastings Voice Squad (local community choir).
These are special community events, not to be missed. Lots of great things to take away and a chance to meet new people and shared the good vibes.
Get in touch is you are able to volunteer on the day : info@transitiontownhasting
You are welcome to only bring stuff, or only take stuff.
Please bring things early and certainly before 12pm.
All items MUST be 100% free and must be from domestic (not commercial) sources.
Please try to bring things as early as possible.
If you have bulky items, like bikes or furniture, then please don’t bring these to the swap shop.
Don’t bring anything illegal!
Don’t bring anything dangerous (no sharp knives, weapons, etc)
No pets or livestock.
No rubbish. Please don’t bring anything that really is no good to anyone. The Swap Shop is run a small group of local people who volunteer their time to organise these events and we don’t want to end up with a whole room full of rubbish to take to the dump!
No electrical/electronics please!
Organised by Transition Town Hastings in partnership with Energise Sussex Coast.
This event is supported by the Climate Active
Neighbourhoods (CAN) project and is funded by the Interreg North West Europe programme