Ore Community Land Trust

Ore Community Land Trust seeks to protect land in the Upper Ore Valley to save and enhance urban woodland and green space for community use and to protect animal habitat. We, therefore, campaign against development plans that would threaten the environment of the Valley. We also support positive regeneration plans and put forward ideas for improvements for the area.

Our aims are:


Speckled Wood in Ore.

  1. Leading the campaign to have Speckled Wood redesignated as protected urban green space
  2. Acquiring land in Speckled Wood for community use
  3. Clearing footpaths and the stream, removing rubbish and carrying out conservation work to improve the woodland
  4. Creating accessible amenity areas and protecting wildlife habitat
  5. Developing a Community Plan for Speckled Wood and involving all sections of the local population in its work and plans
  6. Supporting the Hastings Greenway project to create a cycle and walkway link from Ore to the Town Centre, running through Speckled Wood
  7. Seeking support and assistance from organisations and community groups to further the aims of the Trust.

The Trust is a membership organisation, involving residents of all ages and supportive organisations and recruits volunteers to help with clearance and conservation work. In order to raise the profile of the Ore Community Land Trust and its aims, newsletters are circulated, publicity is sought in the local press and other media, information events are held and guided tours of the footpath network are arranged.

Phone Number
0738 3000 673
Ore Community Land Trust
c/o The Ore Centre
455 Old London Road
TN35 5BH

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