Redlands Farm Shop

A family owned and run farm shop incorporating locally produced fresh meats.

Redlands Farm Shop at Horam near Heathfield, Sussex is a farm shop in the true sense, for owners Ali and Henk raise lamb, beef and chickens the traditional way right there at Redlands Farm. Pork is sourced from a highly trusted local farmer.

That Redlands Farm supplies meat to top restaurants (including The Ginger Group) says it all really – these eateries have built up an enviable following and their chefs deal with only the finest ingredients!

The farm shop stocks a range of cakes, biscuits, jams and marmalades. Professional baker Ali cooks mouthwatering pies, ready meals and other goodies for the shop on a Saturday morning, and these can be ordered ahead – just give her a call.

Phone Number
Redlands Farm Shop, Redlands Farm nr Heathfield, Vines Cross Rd, Horam
TN21 9EE

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