TTH Meeting 25/1/17
Matters arising:
Outstanding actions-
• Chris to formulate email & garden map area for all gardeners to read and sign.
• Chris to contact Southeastern direct to ask about the maintenance of buildings.
• Naomi to contact Southern Water re. water butts
• Poster- Chris will do next week
• Catherine Pinhorn to send 20 MPH campaign email.
Green Drinks
TTH was part of a Green Drinks event on Jan 18th at Bargain Studios, Kings Rd. Still a very popular event. We now need a new venue as Bargain as no longer in 20 King’s Rd. Rock House Basement is a possible venue or the back room at the Palace Pub.
Actions: SM to ask Gareth in rock House about basement, AC to ask Palace Pub. Proposed date: Feb 8th.
HVA Sustainable Transport Forum
Actions: Sarah and Chris to attend. All welcome and
Site visits
Clayton Farm (Organic) in Mayfield. 4 Open days a year.
Produces organic dairy chees that sells at Borough Market, London.
Action: Alison to research and advise others on open days.
Dungeness Power Station
Action: Alison to research
Peacehaven Wastewater Treatment Works
State-of-the-art wastewater treatment works is covered by one of the largest green roofs in Europe.
Action: Tom to research site visit.
Veolia incinerator and recycling sites
Action: Sarah to book first available site
Film shows
Two films that we are interested in showing. Demain/Tomorrow and Inhabit
Actions: Sassie will ask about screening of Inhabit and talk by filmmaker, Sarah and Sassie to check on distribution costs for Demain. Alison to ask Palace Pub about free screenings.
Food and/or Swap shop at Christchurch in Ore
Saturday 18th Feb Richard has use of the church for free (part of a week long event giving energy advice to residents). We could run a junk food café and/or swap shop.
Actions: Sarah, Alison and Sassie to visit swap shop in Rye (sarah to email details) to see how it’s run. Richard to advise of other dates and events where he is giving energy advice (possible event end of Feb). All to follow up with ideas for activities at Christchurch, Ore. Cake making an option to raise funds for TTH.
Note: Churches locally are keen to see community use of their buildings.
Community garden
Winter, not much growing, lots of clearing and making compost area.
Actions: Alison to look into scaffolding planks or palettes.
Tom can get palettes and deliver. Alison/Chris to let him know if they are needed.
Alison meeting Natalie on Feb 7th and will hassle for access to room and locked area on far end of platform.
Alison to research slimline water butts, sometimes in Freecycle. Old chemical drums also possible for water storage.
Actions: Alison and Tracy (Johnson) to do more door knocking beginning of Feb to get more residents opinions on the mosaic project. All welcome to get involved.
Waste/packaging project
Chris and Laurie leading this in Karen’s absence. Currently doing visits to food outlets. Have done half a dozen already. Need more people to get involved in asking outlets questions about their packaging use.
This project ties in with the garden and the need for compost/some packaging is biodegradable.. Chris keen to research community composting. Larger scale compost may not be an option at the garden die to flytipping and rats. Need to pressure council on food waste.
Actions: Chris to collate info on packaging and waste options.
Ursula interested. SM to pass on Ursula’s email to Laurie.
Richard to send around questionnaire on food waste as not really any food waste collection in the area. Alison/Sarah to do mailout asking for more help with the survey.
We need to keep in mind a possible anaerobic digester (produces gas and, therefore, heat) at the hospital to deal with all their food waste.
Sassie mentioned Olio an app that helps people share surplus food.
Tom mentioned Rye Biofuels supply biodiesel at Rye Harbour.
[Further info from Tom by email :
There are 4 collectors of used cooking oil operating around Hastings. All of it will get turned into biodiesel somewhere.
Rumsey: (not sure this website works…) He has the old Bedford lorries, he sells it to someone who ships it to the continent
Edible Oil Direct / Rye Biofuels: – collected and turned into biodiesel locally
Olleco: – who collect it and turn it into biodiesel somewhere in the north west
St Mickalos: – I know very little about this company
Olleco do offer food waste collection as well, though I have no idea if they do it around here (they’re a national company).]
Litter picking
John Funnel keen to start litter picking sessions around the station garden area. Feb 12th could be a trial event. He will use Streetlife as an engagement tool. Pickers currently in temp station room.
Actions: Alison to hand over key to temp room. Alison/Sarah to add litter picking date to mailing list. John to ask other picking groups for advice and tips on process etc (eg ChristChurch in St Leonards). Sarah to check people will be covered by insurance.
Anna Locke keen to get involved in green directory (also Mark, Scott and Laurie). Also interested in researching info about local organic farms and what organic supplies are available locally. Running growing/permaculture course in spring.
Sassie has been researching local fruit growers/suppliers.
Richard mentioned 1066energy campaign, launching later this year. Aiming to establish 1066 solar roofs in 1066 area.
Enid – proposed National Vegetarian Week in May. Most (except vegans!) happy to go ahead if Enid can lead.
Alison: Gail from Explore the Arch wants to know if TTH would like to be involved in a Jane Eyre production that will happen throughout the town.
Kathy would like TTH to set up a Food Assembly activity.
Actions: Sarah to organise Green Directory meeting. Sarah to share local food pamphlet produced by last TTH group. Alison to follow up with dates for Jane Eyre event. Sarah to add Anna’s courses to newsletter and website. Sarah to share Transition London and SE event in Feb in London.
Next Core Meeting- Weds 22nd Feb 2017, 7.15pm-Rock House, 49-51 Cambridge Road, TN34 1DT
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