Minutes Core Group Meeting – May 2017

TTH Meeting 24/05/18


Attending : Alison, Sherry, Sally Reeves, Benjamin, Kate Meakin, Katie, Mick, Rod, Sarah, Karen




Chelsea Fringe Event

TTH taking part to promote the garden. 4th June 11-3pm.

Garden swap shop; tools and seedlings, plants etc.

Benjamin happy to perform some music, Rod bringing i-pad, Steve the Squeeze.

Everyone attending apart from Sarah

Sarah to pick up smoothie bike – but needs someone with a van! Will do smoothies if possible – maybe coop will donate more fruit

Random planters will go next to other plants

Sarah and Sherry have plants to bring to swap with people.

Some new stuff planted by Katie which may be ready in 2 weeks.

Karen put post on Freegle asking for old tools and plants/seedlings

Sarah to research promotional material on Chelsea Fringe website

Rod to bring tools that need sharpening and cleaning – Katie to demonstrate

Richard to give access to Silchester Mews before 4th June to move garden stuff to the station and

Alison to ask Co-op to donate fruit

Fiona to make bread/cake- yum yum

Rod to bring decorating table and ‘proper’ cups and bowls

Richard – does he have paper bowls?

Alison to make some vinaigrette

Karen ask Will for donations from his farm

Sherry to bring watering cans for kids

Alison to sort out posters

Karen to distribute posters in Kings Rd



The Big Lunch

Big lunch dedicated to Jo Cox – national event

Warrior Sq gardens

Had a meeting to put things in motion – Sherry looked into tables and chairs but best to ask people to bring their own chairs

Everyone brings a dish to share

Invite musicians and ask people to bring games

Alison to photocopy some invites and posters at work

Sarah (or Karen?) to get posters printed at Fastprint

Everyone – to find an A3 laminator – shout out on Facebook

Alison to ask St Johns if we can borrow tables and ask Timo if he would transport them

Sarah to add event to the website

Karen to create an event on Facebook – through the Great Get Together / Big Lunch – Add BRING YOUR DAD!! (Fathers Day)

Karen – newsletter – ask for donated material for tables, jam jars with flowers

Alison to ask Kate Tym for her Gazebo

Volunteers to help Sherry set up – Ben and Sally, Rachel and Robin, Rory, Sarah, Karen

Meetings at Sherry’s (4 St Georges Mount, 24 St Johns Road) on 30th June and 5th June to prepare





Kate Meakin and TTH holding an event about the potential of community energy at The Palace. We need to promote on website etc. Sarah and Kate in communication with plans .

Opportunity for people to ‘buy in’ and invest.


Sarah been in contact with Violia about a visit to the recycling centre on 14th July 10am – Sarah to find out how long the trip is.

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