TTH Meeting 21/11/16
Garden Meeting with Natalie 2nd Nov 2016
Actions- Alison to get a date when room back.
• Chris & Alison to get quotes for work & make proposals
for water access.
• Chris to formulate email & garden map area for all gardeners to read and sign.
• Chris to contact Southeastern direct to ask about the maintenance of buildings.
• Sarah and Sassie are working with SCC tutor to produce signage for garden with adults with learning difficulties.
• Help yourselves signs done with slates & markers on the site.
• Alison to ask Naomi re continuing contact with Southern Water & assistance?
• Large funding pot not open yet- Natalie will let us know.
• Next Garden Meeting do a doodle poll with gardeners (after a garden session)
• Poster- Sarah & Chris to do asap
£800,000 possible funding for HBC from Dream Seas- will know by end of this week?
HBC want to do marine litter campaign, getting schools involved, kids will take stewardship of various areas etc and want to work with TTH.
Foreshore Trust has money that we could go for if not.
Vegware- has an Infinity Scheme- Discount?
First step is with surveys to businesses themselves, why do they use biodegradable packaging, what’s the incentive & another for consumers- to see how they would feel & would they buy?
Café in Park buy Vegware from Bidfest- They said cost difference is negligible.
Should be council’s responsibility – as they need to gather it up after and deal with it.
Aim campaign at takeaways and include Cash & Carry’s
WRAP- The Waste & Resources Action Programme- Jamie to research?
What are HBC Environmental Policies?
‘The Most Green café’ competition in the local paper?
Stickers? Get college/schools involve in designing
Incentive to be in TTH Green Pages- advertising.
Get someone to talk about their bio-degradable packaging at business meetings?
Lobbying HBC to only give licences to shops who use bio-d packaging?
Next Waste meeting 28th- 7.15pm-Rock House
Geoff- Amazing marine plants growing together nr Pett but it’s full of rubbish- can it be cleaned?
Kathy- ‘Beach schools’- educational link?
ACTION- Misha to email Geoff info on conservation group nr Pett?
Green Drinks-
TTH was part of a Green Drinks event on 3rd Nov at Bargain Studios, Kings Rd- great success! About 40 passed through.
So will have decided to have a Xmas one- maybe do Pot Luck Meal too! More info to follow but date is: Dec 14th weds 7.30pm-9.30pm.
Ore Community Land Trust have land to build on with the community:
Come to find out more at the Bridge Community Centre Café on Sat 26th Nov 2-4pm public consultation and In evening free BBQ & music etc from 5-9pm @ Old Power Station Site, Broomgrove Rd. Access via Firtree Rd by car. Encourage people to get train there. Or fill up your car!
Sunday 27th Nov at 2pm- Protest that Park Bike Lane hasn’t been started/done- from main entrance on bikes or bike bits, ride the route, bling up your bikes & bring noises, bells, horns etc- lead by HUB. And Greenway Walk – on Sunday too – to push for the greenway links carried out by ESCC?. Action- To share all these events at wkd on FB- Sarah
Catherine P- Pushing for 20 mile an hour zones in Hastings- focus on lobbying ESCC- who’s interested? Can TTH put something on our mailing list. There Is a website & petition already. Catherine says they want to go from door to door in key roads to get them to sign up. Geoff recommended Payton Rd. Geoff & Misha offered to help in this campaign. Action- Catherine to send in short piece via email to us. Let us know about meetings we can advertise.
Misha- mentioned a book (sorry I didn’t catch this)?
Sarah- Action- can you put all minutes on website?
Put meetings etc on too?
Hastings Midnight Run- TTH involvement- people doing some guerrilla gardening and sowing seeds/bulbs at garden, watched Seaview film and café was open to serve people! We made £100!
Sarah is trying to organise visit to incinerator and recycling depot- yeah!
Sarah reminded us and let new people know, TTH have:
Newsletter monthly out
FB Page
Minutes on website
Can be on Google group email list too
Next Core Meeting- Weds 25th Jan 2017, 7.15pm-Rock House, 49-51 Cambridge Road, TN34 1DT
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