We aim to plant a series of perennial ‘micro meadows’ and small forage garden spaces and create a map to encourage people to explore and enjoy the footpaths and biodiversity in and around the area. We believe it’s a great way to transform public space, connect with others and create beautiful and biodiverse spaces for the local community and wildlife.
We hope that by creating this series of small, colourful community ‘talking points’, these visual ‘tasters’ can be used to inspire further community conversations and actions highlighting the social and environmental value of public green space, a significant part of the longer-term ambitions for the proposed Hastings Garden Town (part of the Town Deal submission).
Jane Jacobs’ notion of “the eyes on the street” remains as important to community safety as when first described in “The Life and Death of American Cities” (1961). In it, Jacobs illustrated how welcoming, visually appealing environments that encourage the increased presence of diverse groups of people and activities and foster a sense of civic pride, do more to reduce fear of crime and the incidence of anti-social behaviour than fences, gates and technological high-security measures.
Our first sowing
We sowed our first wildflower meadow on May 25 2021. Richard Scott, Director of the National Wildflower Centre at the Eden Project, showed us how to mix the seed and helped with the sowing. Our volunteer sowers were accompanied by Yoon-ji from Notes from Underground.
Transition Town members spent the previous two weekends working at the wiggly path that runs from London Road to Warrior Square station. They did a fantastic job in clearing the weeds and rubbish and preparing the ground for seeding.
The project has been funded by the National Lottery Local Connections fund and the Safer Streets HBC funding. We are also pleased to have the support of Northern Flowerhouse and Fergus Garrett from Great Dixter.