Thanks to Ken Davis for making our first talk a great success. Ken gave a very informative talk, discussing how best to approach improving the energy efficiency of our homes.
Here are the key ‘take homes’:
- Building need to adapt, conservation can’t continue to keep things the same as before.
- We need to establish some new building techniques and methods and find new ways to understand buildings.
- Breathability is important in older buildings, use materials that maintain air flow
- Leave a year after moving into a property to understand how it breathes and how moisture moves around it.
- Maintenance is the first step – review and fix gutters, etc
- Insulate with natural materials such as wool, don’t use fibreglass.
- If considering alternative energy sources and you can’t do anything else, start with a condensing boiler.
- Do basics first- draught proofing and insulation.
- Water recycling is expensive – start with a water butt.
- We need better education about buildings, policy changes.
- Use radiator thermostats
- Use fans in kitchen and bathrooms to reduce moisture.
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