TTH Meeting July 26th 2017
Attendees: Alex Francis, Chris Petts, Sarah Macbeth, Karen Simnett
Apologies: Alison
Finance/constitution discussion with Alex Francis
Alex says we must have an AGM . We can move this forward in October – we need to book the venue and promote the event.
There is a volunteer fair in Oct or Nov organised by HVA.
Alex says being unincorporated can make individuals liable.
Suggests CIO as the best – not essential.
Alex flags up that the insurance may be invalidated by our lack of incorporation. Need to clarify the public persona that took out the insurance. How was the decision to take out the insurance minuted? This may cause a loop hole. The first reference to establish this is Pat Weaver.
How do we get a balance of having dynamism and flexibility but good governance and structure.
Finance – We can start accounts from April 2015. We need a receipt book and must give people a receipt when they give a donation. Need to resolve several credits on the bank account. Sarah, Alison and Chris to meet.
Membership – What constitutes membership? This needs fleshing out.
Actions – Sarah to send Alex the constitution. Sarah arrange further meeting with Pat Weaver including Alex and Chris to discuss our status/constitution/insurance. Karen has notes about various constitutions.
June minutes outstanding tasks:
Green Directory for TTH website
Action: Sarah to arrange another meetup
Sustainable Transport Forum
Action: Chris to ask Laurie to feedback –perhaps at next meeting?
Sarah to book WRH main room. Oct 4th.
Sarah – arrange a separate meeting to agree the AGM. Alison, Chris, Karen.
Alex has offered to produce a set of accounts for the AGM. We then need someone to do an examination as well as the team writing a report.
Film show
What’s the next film show? Some suggestions:
Action: Kate to review this energy film.
Anna will do a permaculture session on Saturday Sept 14th. Sarah follow up on numbers and an idea of what it will involve.
Action: Alison to follow up with Freyan at SCC about students doing water capture.
Signage: Sarah to follow up with Roz at SCC about signage.
Karen to arrange next meeting and follow up with the ‘team’ to find out their research and experience and then to carry on with surveys.
Kate suggests we apply for the Tesco Bags of Help fund.
Sarah to follow up and find out if there is any reporting to do and ask people for ideas. Focusing on the garden (and community workshops?) seems an obvious win.
Sustainability week – This is planned for next Spring. Sarah to look into Awards for all fund.
Energy group – next meeting is August 10th.
Finance – Approx £700 but about too spend £350 on a strimmer.
Action – Check insurance to see if we can cover the strimmer. Or Chris may have to take it home to keep it safe.
Recycling visit – Karen to move forward an article about the visit to the MRF at Hollingdean.
Next meeting date: Weds 23rd August at Rock House, 49-51 Cambridge Road, Hastings
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